Regardless of whether you are a new mom, have children or if you are a senior; there is a hike which is perfectly tailored to your needs and you can get the physical and spiritual benefit of joining in:
- We tailored to new Moms and Babes, you can carry your baby in your favorite baby carrier or swing and it is great for mom and baby as well at all levels!
- We also have some fun hikes to include your kids along for the ride!
- All women of all ages are welcome to join and get the most out of a hike in nature, incorporating yoga stretches by Veronica who is a Certified Sivananda Yoga Instructor who has been teaching or the past 10 years and now teaches Yoga courses at the Alder and Tony Rose Centers in Orangeville, Ontario.
- Families are also welcome!
- Senior’s Hike Day. The Senior’s hikes are exclusively selected to ensure that they are not too strenuous or too demanding for people who are in their senior’s years yet who wish to enjoy the beauty of nature and a getaway from the city. For more information on these gentle Hikes please contact us.