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We all have our own versions from being kids as to what it takes to be a Superhero; and we have all had an ideal Superhero role model at some point in our lives. Usually we are attracted to certain Superheroes based on the superpowers we value the most. After all, it is the Superpowers themselves the thing which make a Superhero be considered and viewed as a Superhero in the first place.

Mineralize and alkalinize your cells and organs effectively!  This is the ideal time to bring to the front line what we need to put into the engines of our bodies for their best functioning and performance. Many of us find ourselves easily engaging in gardening activities more intensely as the end of the summer approaches and we face the start of a new season.

  Whenever we encounter an injury either during our yoga practice or during our everyday activities, the tendency is to interpret the unexpected and unfortunate event as something detrimental; and certainly the first reaction is to label it as: “not good.” However, many of the greatest lessons in life don’t arrive in the 'friendliest of packages.'
*Embrace Your Peace This Season - Inquire About Your Options In-Person & Online
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