Together and United: We can!
Injustice and bias based on any grounds; especially extreme forms of segregation such as the loss of life due to the color of one’s skin can leave us all brokenhearted, devastated and short of hope and courage. The intense pain so many of us are enduring makes us all bleed and feel ever so deeply for what appears to be out of tune with the beat of the human heart is just too hard to bear without prompting us to action.
It is very difficult to believe that after so many years and the historic landmarks on this racial and separatism matter; discrimination based on any bias whatsoever can still go on. In spite of all the progress accomplished thus far, we know it hasn’t been enough to solve all issues. Unfortunately, we continue to witness brutal crimes of injustice, we continue to see the imposition of power from one person to another based on positions of authority or privilege. This unnecessary and unfair injustice doesn’t cease to shock us all and leave us mourning from the loss of innocent lives; lives that matter: “because all lives matter equally.”
It is surprising that we have acquired so much knowledge and information In the past decades; acquiring so much education and accumulating so many diplomas and accreditations; but we are yet provide actual proof that we have learned much in terms of our human intelligence and wisdom in embracing peace and love for all equally. I think of so many who have believed and tried their best to put forward a message of peace and love; Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King amongst so many names which come to mind; exceptional women and men who throughout our history did their best to inspire transformation. Just reckoning John Lennon’s song IMAGINE and the profound meaning of his lyrics. Yet, it seems at times that not enough progress has been made and still we are doing more ‘imagining’ than ‘experiencing the achieved reality of that dream.’ In spite of how discouraging witnessing the loss of innocent lives simply based on the color of one’s skin can be; we can NOT let it steal from us our dream and our vision of unity. In the contrary, we must rise to the occasion stronger and more united than ever before and we must believe more than ever, that it is NOT a mere DREAM and that what was once just a DREAM can and must become REALITY; and there has never been a better time than NOW.
Union, inclusion, integration, respect, compassion, empathy and all the fruits of unconditional love along with all the virtues of the human heart can propagate, seed and sprout like a plague. That is the medicine we need, infinite doses of love and the ability to open our eyes to see what is happening and to open our spiritual ears to listen in order to stop and to pay attention to the cries and the call for help and air from all those very important human beings in the world whose basic needs have been and are currently being neglected for way too long. Equality, equanimity and inclusion is possible; if we all choose to stand up to take action at a personal level to make it happen. We can’t control the silence and ignorance of many of our leaders who don’t seem to respond with any purposeful and meaning full leadership; we can’t wait from someone else to take charge of things: we must each do it ourselves and act according to the intrinsic values of treating all lives equally now.
It hurts to listening to the narcissistic, authoritarian and arrogantly ignorant remarks and tweets from those who are incapable of empathy or compassion; from those who don’t act as if they belong and are part of the whole. Many don’t even try or care enough to listen or even attempt to hear to the root of what is going on; let alone deal with the issue at heart of our socio-political matrix. The agenda of certain politicians in power is undeniably a personal and self-serving one. Right now, the time is ripe for the urgent emergence of leaders who are actively ready to listen, to give, to serve, and to care for all people and not just biased by those who support him/her or them. I am hopeful that the time has come and we each much do what we can, to envision but most importantly to act according to our deepest core values of love and to finally make the dream not just remain a dream but help it flourish into reality.
Humanity is ready for the big change to happen. We can and must embody our common rights to be, to speak and to coexist freely in an environment of mutual cooperation and inclusion and with an open Spirit which invites sharing and willing integration and cooperation amongst all citizens of this world. We need to act together and be united. In order to do that we each need to feel that ‘we are one’ and what happens to me, happens to others and what happens to others, is felt by me as well equally.
Many practices and systems have taught us and guided us towards that path of love. Yoga, means UNION and with that consciousness of intrinsic union of all comes the sense and awareness of belonging with it all: being part of the whole and knowing that what happens to any other being affects us individually and collectively is what prepares the heart to make us responsible and accountable for becoming active participants of our well-being and respecting the lives and values of all others. In doing so, each individual can help to build from their own place a world which moves towards the light, towards peace and love. For this we don’t need any leader, we don’t really need any preacher or religion, we only need to close our eyes and listen as this guidance is written clearly inside our hearts. Let’s open ourselves to listen. Let’s open our arms to embrace all in a fully and true unbiased way. Let’s us all experience the power of real love. Let ourselves trust to be guided and taken away by that all-encompassing love which discriminates nothing and nobody; and which doesn’t segregate or separate, but only looks to unite. Let’s us not only envision this but choose to respond to the call from the heart and to act accordingly. Let’s think globally and act locally. Let’s us claim our individual power to create the change we wish to see in this world now, so we may enjoy an all-inclusive place to live and prosper.
I believe our actions can carry us through this difficult time, as we all start to walk heart to heart and hand in hand together as one. Change, unity and integration is possible; and it all starts with each and every single one of us getting to work from the heart out and acting now!
Together as one, we can make it happen!
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