Feeling Connected in Times of Self-Isolation
Yoga is a great source of wisdom we can tap on to deal with the difficulty of practicing social isolation. The very essence of this ancient practice can be most beneficial in helping us to deal with our inability to pursue our human instincts to crave to connect with others.
Let’s start by reviewing that Yoga means: unity. Through the practice, we learn to experience peace by aligning mind, body and spirit. Being in tune with ourselves brings us closer to our breath of life and to connecting to what vibrates deep in our heart: the echoing OM of creation. Along with that, we instantly come to the inner sense that our own ‘individuality’ is actually an illusion and that we are simply a droplet which composes the ocean of humanity and a speck of unique color and light within the realm of creation.
As we spend more time engaging in the yoga discipline, we become more at ease with our inner selves without the need to flee away from the present moment. As we feel our own sense of being, we can connect with others at a deeper intrinsic level which makes us aware that what we see in the outside world is within us and what is within us, is also outside of us. Again, we are able to acknowledge in essence the interconnection of the web of life and the oneness of it all. Then, that longing we are prone to feeling when separated in apparent exclusion while practicing self-isolation, becomes immediately satiated by an overwhelming and humbling sense of real inclusiveness.
In front of such marvelous realization, we can experience that we are ONE and the same. We can trust the unknown and dare to close our physical eyes to open our spiritual eye; and in so doing, know that what appears to be different and separate is actually part of us and that we belong as a whole. With this realization, comes infinite peace as we know deep inside we are never and cannot ever be separate. We understand wholeheartedly the true meaning of: I AM THAT, I AM.
All of the above is not something to comprehend theoretically but intrinsically and empirically. With each new full breath, we know that we exist; and with existence we know that we are and in being we feel the union with the source of creation. Creation being not just all other beings but also all things which surrounds us and exists. This includes all whom and which we often think of or perceive as separate from us. Once we quiet the mind enough to get rid of all the chatter and noise; in deep silence, all the walls of separation disappear and we just know that we are never alone and can come to a sense of deep communion with all others. We can’t longer feel alone or lonely but instead we feel whole, complete and part of the essence of it all.
Experiencing this at a profound level allows us to surf this wave of self-isolation smoothly, as we understand and know that we are one, we are all in this together and we can get through it counting on each other’s strengths to: give, to serve and to care. Upon this perception of reality what may have once appeared chaotic on the outside, separate and afar; can now become our choice in the making. The choice which entails to own full responsibly for our inner state of being; and in so doing, becoming active participants in weaving this collective web of life on our own individually but consciously together.
Knowing ourselves in that journey with others will never leave us feeling isolated, empty or lonely. As a matter of fact, the end result will be a higher state of mind, body and spirit and a deep sense of social interconnection and responsibility. Apart yet together at heart we are still ONE! If you ever feel lonely or alone, sit down in a quiet place, close your eyes and simply start doing deep breaths; let the experience take you to feel at one with all that you are, all that is and rest in peace knowing that all who and which surrounds you is also part of you and you are part of that whole. The puzzle is instantly solved and oneness puts an automatic end to the feeling of separation; and therefore, it becomes the very cure for any sense of isolation. Breathe deep and choose to be at peace today in self-isolation yet always together!
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