Nourishing & Hydrating Your Body
Mineralize and alkalinize your cells and organs effectively! This is the ideal time to bring to the front line what we need to put into the engines of our bodies for their best functioning and performance. Many of us find ourselves easily engaging in gardening activities more intensely as the end of the summer approaches and we face the start of a new season.
Towards the last tail of the summer, we are drawn to preparing our own soil patches for the following Spring and attending to our own food production by storing our organic seeds and committing to attending to harvesting our gardens and devoting our time and attention to best support its future growth. This remind us to cherish the fruits of our gardens and bring them with honor and a spirit of celebration to our daily tables.
We should invite all colors to our plates so that we may ensure that each of those shades may bring a uniquely essential nutrient by delivering a specific vitamin to our bodies. Each color has a different vibration feeding us at so many levels: greens are rich in chlorophyll and bring in minerals; the reds, dark purples and orange colors are rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body helping support the function of white blood cells, being of importance for a healthy immune system, promoting bone growth, and regulating cell growth and division. The roots hold many long-lasting energy releasing nutrients and so on. Each fruit and veggie is naturally full of water and this is the most optimal way to hydrate our bodies. Specially coconut water which is rich in electrolytes!
By remembering to eat the “rainbow” you will be bringing in not only the vibrancy of each color but also all the great nutrients to nourish your body, ligaments, cells, muscles and organs to help you achieve the maximum results not just in your physical practice but also in your spiritual one. The dark green is very calming and soothing and will do wonders in assisting you to conserve an equal and balanced mind, along with peace of heart; while the vibrant colors will energize you!
In conclusion, by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables we naturally hydrate our bodies with the highest nutritional and vitamin content any liquid can bring into our cells. The next best thing is water of course trying to access the best and most pure sources available. All the above ideas will ensure that as the Fall approaches and the air becomes dryer, our skin will remain hydrated and elastic as well.
Enjoy all the colors of the rainbow offered in your natural plant=based foods and all their many benefits to you body, mind and spirit!
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