We Are Mirrors To Each Other
We are all mirrors to each other and life offers us many ways to learn about ourselves. Often we think of going inwards to find ourselves and our essence. That is of course very true; however, the practice of yoga doesn’t leave us just trapped inside but the relationship is vertical first with the spirit within and then from there we each must connect horizontally and journey outwards to connect and learn from and with others not just about them but also about our own selves.
Once we have established that inner connection and from that place of pristine purity we project out our internal light to others and to the outside world. Then, we quickly find ourselves reflected back in all those we interact with and even in the experiences and places we encounter. This experience can make our learning journey quite fascinating because it calls for our inner and outer awareness and wakes up a very curious and inquisitive spirit to start to discover what others, their reactions towards us, their interaction with us can teach us about ourselves. Soon after engaging in this exercise we realize that there is a lot of information and source of wisdom we can acquire from those around us; specially the people closer to us. Often the very things which occasionally bother us, disturb us or get under our skin; more often than not is pointing to something we have not befriended or owned within our own selves. This is a precious opportunity to embrace that inner piece of ourselves upon finding it in the mirror of others and claiming it as a potential part of ourselves to work on in terms of our own self-acceptance and inner love. When we perceive the outside world and people in this way, everyone presents us with the gift of offering us with the opportunity to awaken something in us; either something we are denying, rejecting, not valuing, not owning or simply unaware of in ourselves.
Considering that the practice of yoga brings us to that path of self-awareness and self-awakening, integrating others into that journey makes the self-learning process much more dynamic and holistic. Thus life becomes a fascinating opportunity to dive into each relationship with great eagerness to give to others, to forgive, to try to sympathize and empathize because chances are that anything we don’t validate in others we are not really validating in ourselves, anything we don’t appreciate in others we might not be appreciative of in ourselves, anything we tend to criticize in others, more likely we are critical of in ourselves.
Let’s all embrace one another and bounce back and forth the images, reflections and sparkling features of one another to help each other see those precious pieces of ourselves we have perhaps overlooked or not acknowledged at all in ourselves.
Let’s never take for granted the lessons and gems contained in all those we pass by and interact with, because they may carry the very jewels we are missing out in ourselves which can contribute greatly to bring us closer to our practice of yoga; which in essence is ‘loving ourselves in the here and now.’ Sometimes all it takes is seeing ourselves reflected in the mirror of another to embrace ourselves!
Enjoy your discovery journey and be ready to be pleasantly surprised by those reflections as you see yourself in the mirror of another.
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