Rethinking 2017 Goals & Resolutions
Aligning our dreams, aspiration and goals:
Many of us tend to make most of our choices on automatic pilot. Few of us realize that we can choose at any given point in our lives to step in by deciding to give a different spin to our automatic responses by adopting a more positive and well-planned approach to the way we feel, think and act.
Briefly I want to remind you that not only at the turn of each new year; but also at each new breaking moment of our lives, we can choose to become an active participant in our journey towards excellence. We each have a personal duty and responsibility to reassess our goals and aspirations and align them with our values. At any given point in our lives we can choose to recreate ourselves.
Yoga provides us with useful and practical tools and tips as to how to dig deeper within to become aware of our typical train of thoughts, of our habits, of our tendencies… Doing a full: mental, physical and spiritual scan provides us with the opportunity to observe ourselves at the deepest levels and to become aware of what things we wish to keep doing in the same way and which new things we wish to give birth to in our lives. We can then become critical thinkers, and empower ourselves to accept the things we can’t change, to change the ones which are not serving our optimal development and to have the inner wisdom to distinguish between the two.
Setting our goals and resolutions require that we visualize practical actions, doable steps which will bring us closer to those activities, those choices we wish to materialize daily and towards the future. Everything begins with having vision. The power of seeing is the power of believing that the goals we see ourselves deserving of are deserving of pursuing. We must live up to our hearts to own those goals and jump on the driver seat as to the actions we wish to engage in in order to bring each of our goals, specially those aligned with our hearts and soul to true fruition. This is the gift of being active co-creators of our destiny.
Using the many tools acquired from the practice we can learn to have a balanced mind and equal vision, we can create tidy inner and outer environments to instill peace in ourselves. We can become more present in our active role as co-creators of our journey while regaining a sense of being in charge of the many things we can control from the thoughts we feed our minds to the choices we make in the now towards excellence.
May your goals and resolutions be not just for the future but become the very source of guidance when choosing at each breaking moment when the doors of opportunity open in front of your eyes to take the mini steps which will bring you closer and closer to reach those very goals you hold dear to your heart.
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