Why Are Enzymes So Beneficial?
Enzymes make digestion easier for the body. All raw food, including sprouts and greens, contain the proper types and proportions of enzymes necessary to digest itself. When raw food is eaten, the act of chewing ruptures the cell membrane and releases the enzymes to begin breakdown.
Food enzymes play an important role in digestion by predigesting food in the stomach. As long as the body is given raw living food the body does not need any supplementation of enzymes. However, in the typical North American Diet the enzymes are destroyed when food is cooked. As a result the body’s digestive process can become over stressed with full digestive burden and vital nutrients may not be released from food assimilation.
Plant enzymes work at the pH found in part of the stomach – where food can sit for a while before gastric secretions begin action – and can improve utilization.
Enzymes are the very spark of life – they run the entire body. Vitamins and minerals are not activated until they join enzymes. You can put in your body an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals but without enzymes, nothing works!
We all need enzymes to thrive. This is why they are so important! These enzymes enhance the nourishment of the body so it can heal itself.
Are enzymes destroyed in the stomach?
No! Enzymes are not destroyed in the stomach. They are simply deactivated by the stomach’s acidity. When the food and the deactivated enzymes reach the small intestine, the body’s alkaline reserve reactivates these enzymes at a higher, more alkaline pH. This is where pancreatic enzymes join activated plant enzymes.
Plant enzymes help you absorb and assimilate food. When your body functions properly, food is digested into tiny particles of nutrition that go into your blood and then into your cells. If you lack any necessary enzymes; however, this does not happen. People need to eat enzyme-rich foods or they will never absorb all the nutrients in their food to the optimal degree.
- Remember that all foods which have been processed in any way, shape or form by exposing them to heat are no longer living foods containing their active enzymes alive. ensure to include as much enzyme-rich foods as possible in your diet so as to bring about the maximum “life-force” into your life. This will help you achieve your optimal state of vibrancy and health!
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