Enzyme-Rich Living Foods - HOCKLEY YOGA
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Enzyme-Rich Living Foods

Enzyme-Rich Living Foods

To understand the difference between a Natural Plant-Based Living Diet and a Standard North American Diet, it is important to understand the difference between the full spectrum of enzymes present in most living foods and to be aware of how those same enzymes happen to unfortunately deteriorate in cooked foods.

What are enzymes?

According to the dictionary enzymes are any of the various complex organic substances, as pepsin originating from living cells and capable of producing certain chemical changes in organic substances by catalytic action, as in digestion. This is to say, enzymes assist in the digestion process of foods. They are the energy and life force in foods.

Enzymes are also very important because besides assisting in the digestion of food they assist in its absorption as well. When one eats foods devoid of enzymes, the body does not get the full utilization of the food. The body also needs to provide by its own sources the enzymes to digest the food, depleting the body in this way of valuable life-force enzymes. This causes depletion of energy in the body and in the long term accumulation of toxicity.

Cooked foods put an end to the life of the enzymes existing in the foods one eats because the enzymes cannot live once exposed to heat. Contrary to cooked foods, living foods are foods which have not been exposed to extreme temperature; and therefore, conserve their enzymes in their natural form, keeping in this way all their benefits for our bodies and health.

If you want to take and active role in preventing the common ‘dis-eases’ of today’s society resulting from diets devoid of living enzymes, then you should consider changing lifestyle to include a larger amount of raw living foods full of enzymes into your diet to give your body all the nourishment it needs to reach its optimal health!

Gradually the practice of yoga brings us to take positive action towards leading a lifestyle that embraces love, compassion, kindness, concern and care for the environment and the animals. A raw living vegan diet rich in healthy fruits and vegetables along with nuts and seeds does wonders in contributing not just to our individual health but also to that of our planet.

Food is the single most important factor in achieving and maintaining good health. When it comes to good nutrition the key, as in all natural living, is simplicity. “Living foods, such as fruits and vegetables, eaten in their natural state, appears to be the best way to get all the nutrients we need to thrive. By cooking our foods, vegetables and fruits, we loose 85% of the nutrients they provide. All enzymes are killed and amino acids are either destroyed or changed into indigestible components.

If you want to change the results you are getting in your present life condition, if you happen to feel occasionally drained of precious life-force, you must change your actions. This implies changing your choices, dietary and otherwise towards those ones which will bring about wholesome health and radiant living.

As long as you eat fruits, vegetables, sea vegetables, sprouts, soaked nuts, seeds and grains in their natural organic state without having them processed at all, you can know for a fact that these foods are living foods containing their full life-force and all their enzymes are kept intact for your to thrive!

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