The Perfect Natural Snack For Kids
Fruits are the most perfect snacks for kids, they all come in their perfect and natural organic recyclable packaging, they are easy to transport and offer children a wide array of vitamins and minerals to provide your little one with an excellent boost of energy when it is time to reach for that morning or afternoon snack.
As a child I was fortunate to grow in a semi-tropical geographical area surrounded by fruit trees of all kinds; for a child that is like being all day surrounded by a natural candy free buffet! Everything about fruits makes them the perfect snack to have; their bright colors, all so attractive, are Mother Nature’s way of enticing children to gravitate to any fruit when hungry. I recall getting hungry mid-morning and smelling those ripe peaches calling my name and the green grapes hanging from the vine ready to almost fall in my mouth already watering thinking of the natural sweetness and the flavorful snack available at arms length. How could anyone resist?
The truth is that nature is indeed very wise and it has created all these incredible, colorful and tasty variety of fruits to satiate not only a hungry tummy but also to nourish the body with all the valuable vitamins and minerals contained in the various fruits. The more colors, the wider array of nutrients covered nutrition-wise. Fruits also offer benefit of also hydrating those little active bodies providing them with a high water content. Furthermore, fruits are also rich in fiber to keep the intestines working smoothly to boot.
Fruit provides plenty of carbohydrates to keep the little ones charged with enough fuel in their tanks to continue playing and learning until the next meal yet not compromising their well-being. Not to worry, the sugar in fruit is not a simple sugar, it comes packaged with all that fiber which makes it more digestible but also slows down the absorption of the sugar into the blood stream so that the energy gets delivered slowly and evenly. Kids will neither get the sugar rush they tend to get from other simple high sugar-processed snacks nor the sudden spike of energy with the subsequent sluggishness which hits as the sugar effect wears off.
As a mom, I know I can’t force my children to eat anything they don’t want to. So I don’t even try. However, I trust that if they are very hungry and I place a bowl full of colorful fruits, their natural instincts will kick in and they will feel inspired to grab one of those valuable and delicious naturally sweet nutritional snacks!
The next time snack time attacks, be ready for the challenge and without a single word spread some of those colorful rainbow snacks on the table and see magic happen right in front of your eyes!
As parents we can have great influence in teaching our kids to develop a natural palate for the natural sweetness found in all fruits and to learn to enjoy freely the full array of those natural snacks easily available in the house. Leave then out instead of candies, wait and see. You may be up for a surprise!
Trust that all kids, when truly hungry, naturally and easily gravitate towards fruit for it is the most perfect snack!
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