Living Your Dharma
The word dharma, like so many Sanskrit terms, has different meanings depending on context and who’s defining it. The idea of one “living one’s dharma” has historically meant that a person lives in a way that is in accordance with the laws of nature and destiny.
Dharma can mean “law of the universe,” “duty,” “righteousness,” and/or “one’s own individual mission or purpose.” On the individual level, it can also mean a number of different things. But overall ‘living your own dharma’ means living up to the purpose of your life towards the path of self-realization by ensuring our own present stage of choices and actions, who we are and what we do helps us towards our evolution and to the realization of our destiny.
Dharma also refers to ‘good conduct’ and it supports and enhances life. So we practice dharma by taking care of our own actions and aligning them with our inner sense of what is right from within by making each choice of actin as ethical as possible.
Dharma means, “that which holds together the different aspects and qualities of an object into a whole.” Thus, a person’s own dharma is determined by gathering past and present experiences, tendencies and the many personal talents, qualities and virtues into a life with an ultimate purpose.
The Bhagavad Gita, India’s beloved ancient scripture, speaks in detail about dharma. Krishna, in advising the reluctant warrior Arjuna, tells him that is it better to do your own dharma poorly than to do someone else’s well. Only when you figure out what you are ‘uniquely able to do’, and carry it out as well as you can, can you truly feel fulfilled in this life. Your dharma need not be lofty, but it should be something that feels right to you, and something that in one way or another makes a contribution. Your ‘calling’ might be, for example, to be an artist who brings joy to the lives of others through your work. Or to work in a nonprofit, bringing vital services to those who otherwise might not get them. Or maybe it’s to be the best parent you can be to your children. It is the path most aligned with your values, with your heart and your soul with a higher purpose in place: to give, to love and to serve.
In addition, there is a connection between living your Dharma and your own health. When you aren’t doing what you’re supposed to, life can feel pointless. When your existence feels empty, or even just vaguely unsatisfactory, it is a sign that your inner being is telling your to reassess your path and make the necessary changes to align your inner truth with you outer reality so that you may experience peace.
Dharma might be considered to have two distinct, yet mutually supportive components: our personal or individual dharma ‘sva-dharma’ of unique qualities (traits, gifts, talents and abilities) that help to define our life’s path and our ‘sat dharma’ or “true” dharma – that path of Self-Realization which is the birthright of everyone and shared by all beings.
When your life purpose is connected to your sva-dharma and sat dharma, it brings you joy and fulfillment. When disconnected from dharma, your purpose may feel confused and your efforts to be your happiest may feel thwarted to some extend so there is a sense of unrest.
Do you think you are living your Dharma? Can our personal desires align with the universal laws of nature? Does your yoga practice bring us into better alignment with that which we are meant to be doing?
The practice of yoga through it many paths will guide you to your inner calling manifested in your life purpose on this planet; and once you know your true dharma it will reap innumerable fruits of grace for yourself and for your fellow partners in life.
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