Exploring the Art of Meditation
One path which may lead us to the fruitful road of mediation is contemplation. During the Fall, when all the colors of the leaves are still dancing on the trees and those already on the ground capture our attention, it is an ideal time to wander into the inviting path of contemplation.
Sitting crossed legged in Sukhasana, easy pose, so the spine may be straight and the lungs may benefit from inviting full yogi breaths in and out, we may remain sitting still and focusing our sight on just one tree, on each individual leaf, allowing each color to enter deep within, letting each unique leaf connect with the life force impregnating it all.
Feel the in-breath and the out-breath, become aware of your surroundings, but keep your mind and sight exclusively focused and fully fixed on the tree itself to surrender to the art of contemplation.
Spend a few minutes, longer if you can spare the time; and no matter how tempting it may be, do not let your mind wander elsewhere or your eyes leave that one tree and each of those leaves. Keep your eyes steadily focused, become fully present and arrive to that moment until you feel a sense of oneness with that tree, you may feel the roots of those very roots along with the earth supporting you on the ground, holding securely the weight of your body, feel the earth and acknowledge the interconnection. Soon enough, you will experience inner and outer peace simply from being present with that one tree, with each incoming and outgoing breath and honoring its existence with your full presence. The mind will become quite, the radiance around you will impregnate your being and you will feel more re-energized, reactivated, with a sense of inner peace and renewal.
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