Celebrating our Inner Colors
Just like the trees make use of this precious colder Fall weather to exhibit their most delightful shades of colors, each of us should take this time to sit under our favorite tree and take a few full yogi breaths to meditate on which of our inner personal colors we wish to bring forward to shine to the world and to celebrate our own inner beauty.
It is our personal responsibility to shine our full range of colors to others, each one representing a virtue from our heart: love, compassion, kindness, gentleness, compassion, caring, appreciation, forgiveness, gratitude, empathy and so many of our most wonderful personal shades to remind us to proudly shine to others our inner excellence by taking the time to honor our inner gifts. In this way, we may become active participants in this universal collage of life by opening the window of the heart in order to sparkle around each of our unique colors using our personal colorful brush to leave our unique soulful foot-print; thus enriching with our inner beauty the world around us!
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