Making Our Everyday Lives a Fertile Field For Our Practice
No matter how much one reads, wishes or does, it seems that whatever one is doing is never the right thing to do or that somehow whatever we are doing or being is just never good enough. It always seems as if there is more to achieve. As a result, one feels always a victim of this constant turning wheel of desire which pulls one from one craving to another, from one action to the next in desperate search for the right answer. In this way, one constantly leaves one activity in frustration to take on another in the hope that this latter one will grant a dose of ‘peace.’ As a result of this never ending search one leads a life of uncertainty jumping from one person to another, from one relationship to another, from one activity to another and from one place to another only to find that none of these choices will deliver the satisfaction craved and expected by one’s confused heart.
In this way, we all go on leading our confusing lives as we are tossed around by our impulses, our old habits and our repetitive behaviors physical, mental and otherwise. Needless to say, this approach to living very often disrupts our inner peace and our sense of harmony and belonging. This battle within ourselves occurs as a result of that inner conflict caused by our constant sense of separation and of not belonging. Somehow, no matter what we do or excel at doing what we are engaged in doing, nothing seems enough. This rat-race lifestyle causes frustration and an enormous amount of negative energy which is nowadays commonly known as ‘stress.’
Most of us are constantly hoping to find happiness hiding just around the corner; only to find that in spite of our eager attempts, at every new turn, happiness evades us over and over again. It is like trying to trap a shadow, it seems feasible but in practice it is impossible. The truth is that happiness is not somewhere outside ourselves hiding from us. It is actually hidden in the most sacred bottom of our hearts. The only way to stop the race and all the insanity is by stopping, pausing and searching inwards. The only path to experience eternal and long-lasting happiness is to turn within to find the answers that we frantically look for in the outside world. When we take a closer look at our hearts, when we stop, relax and let go of such frustrating rushing race, we can finally realize our innate state of inner peace and we realize that this state of inner and interconnection was always there. We were jut too busy looking outside to feel it or see it. The idea is not to do so much but to stop doing and just let life be and speak to us for what it is, simple, pure love and never-ending bliss.
If you have felt at any point in your life any of the above described emotions or feelings probably you might find the following information beneficial. The following articles will give you brief tips and ideas as to how to reverse this endless tail-chasing situation in order to turn our everyday meaningless existence into a very rewarding field of constant, physical, mental and spiritual practice and gratifying work of service.
Yoga provides us all with an excellent tool to put a stop to all that inner chattering, to the wrong movements, to the stress and the pressures from the many surrounding demands from ourselves and others. The following articles will be updated and added upon for weeks, months and years to come to provide you into some insights as to how to engage daily in your practice of Yoga beyond your mat and it will expand on the 5 points of Yoga and the many ways to further engage in its practice each breaking moment of your life. Please check often to read more!
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